Discovering Better Treatment Plan: Ayurveda vs Allopathy

Discovering Better Treatment Plan: Ayurveda vs Allopathy

There is a regular debate on the difference between ayurvedic treatment and allopathic treatment. There is a need to know which one is better. In the current time, there has been huge demand for ayurvedic medicine over any allopathic medicine. It is because Ayurvedic medicine relates to organic ingredients or herbs.

There are more to the topic of ayurveda vs allopathy. There is a need to identify the difference between ayurvedic and allopathic medicine from every aspect for the benefits of the readers. 

Finding And Identifying Ayurveda vs Allopathy

Allopathic medicine or treatment is related to applying a solution in a scientific way for any disorder or disease.

Allopathic medicine may be in the form of tablets, syrup or powder and further surgery. Whatever may be the form, it attacks only the symptoms.

There is no surety of permanent cure. Further, there may be chances of occurrence of more side effects. 

Drawing Comparison: Ayurveda vs Allopathy 

1. 100 % Natural and Ayurvedic

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the combination and amalgamation of different herbs, herbal extracts and organic substances.

2. Non Invasive

Its performance has proven superior over any other pharmaceutical medicine. Treatment procedures through ayurveda do not involve use of equipment like that which exists in allopathic medicine.

However, there are some exceptionals in ayurveda in terms of treatment procedures:

  1. Kshara karma or agni karma: It is done with the support of slit type proctoscope under local anesthesia for the purpose of healing internal hemorrhoids
  1. Raktamokshana: It is a deep puncturing invasive procedure in panchkarma ayurveda. 
  1. Basti panchakarma: Enema is introduced through the anal passage. It helps in recovering from both types of piles. 

3) Healing From The Root

Ayurvedic treatment helps in eliminating the symptoms and promoting complete wellness. On the contrary, allopathic medicines eliminate just the symptoms. 

Conditions of Safety and Efficiency Within Ayurveda vs Allopathy 

 There are certain factors that we need to find out on the basis of following factors: 

  • Type of ingredients: Ayurvedic medicines are based on natural ingredients and that may be herbs, organic and plant based extracts. On the contrary, allopathic medicines are made from chemical based elements.
  • Side effects: There are less chances of side effects using these ayurvedic extracts or organic substances. Chances of side effects are maximum in allopathic medicines. 
  • Level of effectiveness: Ayurvedic treatment promises long lasting results in comparison to allopathic medicines. Allopathic medicines are not really recommended for long term use. It does not promise complete wellness nor helps in balancing the doshas. 

Ayurveda vs Allopathy: On the basis of healing different disorders or diseases

With the list of following medicines, we can actually understand how is ayurvedic medicine better than allopathy

Sitopaladi Churna vs Crocin: Ayurveda vs Allopathy  

Crocin provides short term relief from the flu-like symptoms. On the contrary, sitopaladi churna controls flu-like symptoms naturally and without causing any side effects. 

The ayurvedic composition of sitopaladi churna does bring relief from all types of respiratory disorders. It helps in cleansing all types of toxins which actually lead to causing pneumonia, tubeculosis, bronchitis and any respiratory disorder. 

Ayurvedic ginger and clove or liquorice powder vs allopathic allegra for allergic rhinitis

Using ginger and clove powder or concoction, one can easily get relieved from wind or vata related nasal allergic symptoms.

Mulethi can also help in recovering from nasal allergies. It strengthens the body and nourishes the entire nervous system.

But allopathic allegra on the other hand can cause different side effects on health conditions and it may be tightness of the chest, feeling of warmth and shortness of breathing.

Anu Thailam Nasal Medication Compared To Afrin: Ayurveda vs Allopathy

For the recovery from nasal congestion and infection, anu thailam has proven effective on a long term basis.

 It does help in recovering from the sinus problem from the root. 

Though majority of the allopathic practitioners would prescribe for afrin medicine, it will not be as effective as ayurvedic anu thailam. It can cause side effects like dryness in the nasal area, sensation of burning and even sneezing can occur.

Ayurvedic Shatavari Capsules vs Allopathic Clomifene for PCOS

Ayurvedic medicine made from shatavari, amla and aloe vera extracts proves to be more effective than any allopathic medicine.

Nari jeevan Jyoti is one of such capsules made from the natural herbs mentioned above. It justifies the difference between Ayurveda and allopathy for PCOS treatment in the following ways: 

  1. It is known for balancing the female reproductive hormones.
  2. It regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  3. It brings relief from ovarian cysts.
  4. It will increase the chances of conceiving naturally unlike expensive IVF holds a limited chance.
  5. It does not cause any side effects. But there are risks of side effects using allopathic metaformin or clomifene. These side effects are vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

There are also certain powerful mudras for pcos. 

Firstly, It Is Yoni Mudra. 

Yoni Mudra 

  1. Fold the ring, middle finger, and small finger downwards in both hands.
  2. Join them.
  3. Join the tips of the thumbs and index fingers of both the hands.

Secondly, It Is Shankh Mudra

Shankh Mudra

  1. Folding the little finger and pressing it under the thumb.
  2. Raising the rest of the three fingers high.

Ortho Veda vs Ibuprofen: Ayurveda vs Allopathy 

Allopathic ibuprofen may ease the joint pain.But there are side effects associated with this allopathic medicine. It is always recommended to always use any Ayurvedic topical oil. And it is Ortho Veda. It is made from natural herbs which are mahanarayan, eucalyptus, Kapoor, and menthol. 

To know how is an ayurvedic medicine effective for joint pain, it is when you will be massaging the Ortho Veda oil for 10 to 15 minutes on the affected swollen area. 

Benefits of Ortho Veda Oil Are:

1) Reducing swelling in the affected area.                                                

2) Balancing the vata dosha.                                                         

3) Preventing cartilage loss.                                                 

4) Increasing synovial fluid.                                                 

 5) Not causing any side effects.

Dr.Madhu Amrit vs Benefica forte capsule: Ayurveda vs Allopathy  

Ayurvedic medicine Dr.Madhu Amrit is made from gurmar, vijaysar, saptrangi, jamun, aloe vera and palash. 

This ayurvedic composition causes production of natural insulin. 

It does promise an effective sugar management formula.  It helps in increasing the energy level without causing any side effects. 

On the contrary, Benefica forte may help in keeping rising sugar at optimum level. But it causes severe side effects. It is really not safe to use. 

And so, this is how Nirogayurved explains about the difference between ayurveda and allopathy

  • It is 100% ayurvedic.
  • It helps in balancing all the doshas(Pitta Doshas).
  • It helps in not only healing the symptoms but promotes complete wellness.
  • It does not cause any side effects.

Unlike Any Ayurvedic Medicine, Allopathic Medicine 

  1. Is made from chemicals
  2. It helps in recovering from symptoms.
  3. Cause complications in health.

FAQ: People also ask

Is Ayurveda Safe With Allopathy?

Since allopathic medicines are made from herbs and plant based ingredients and organic elements. Combining with allopathic medicines will not harm any patient. Rather, it will come up with steady recovery results and heal the disease or disorder from the root without causing any side effects.

Is Ayurveda Scientifically Proven?

In India, ayurvedic medicines are tested and validated on a scientific basis and approved by the Ministry of Ayush

Why Is Ayurveda Better?

Modern medicines are known to be effective for the short term by recovering from the symptoms. On the contrary, ayurvedic medicines promote recovery from the root level, balance of hormones and doshas, increases ojas or stamina and do not let anyone fall sick. Moreover, ayurveda is always safe and does not cause any side effects.

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